Pending a 60-day drying period, this non-typical axis buck is potentially the new #1 SCI free-range axis deer. Wade Pinson was fortunate enough to harvest the buck while hunting at Rain Creek Ranch in Menard, Texas on May 8, 2015.
Kyle Nunn, who accompanied Mr. Pinson on his hunt, told us, “We had several come in, but we were all in awe over this deer. Once we were able to get a good look at him, we determined that he was tipped out and starting to rub the velvet off. Wade made a great shot and the deer went down quickly.”
It was only after the deer was down that the men were able to breathe a sigh of relief. With a 35″ spread and a double drop, the men knew that this was surely going to be one of the highest rated bucks in the SCI scorebook and contacted the organization for an official measurement. Unofficially it taped out to 174 1/8. Pending the some deductions after the waiting period, because the buck was in velvet, it will most likely be the biggest free-range axis deer on record.
Khoa Le
Tight Lines and Big Tines!
Rain Creek Ranch is a family owned ranch that is around 3500 acres located in the heart of Texas between Brady and Menard, Texas. The ranch has all kinds of exotics and also has whitetail. The ranch is a free range ranch, with only 450 acres of high fence, which they raise and harvest whitetail. The low fence area is not over hunted and this allows the axis deer and other exotics to stay mostly within the low fenced area. Rain Creek Ranch allows hunters to help them harvest animals through out the year. For information on hunts that are available you may contact them. Rain Creek Ranch would like to thank Wade, James, Justin and Tanner for being great guest and allowing this animal to be harvested. Rain Creek Ranch PO Box 116 Menard, Texas 76859 raincreekranchtexas@gmail.com